Helicon Ape and Plesk 12

Helicon Ape provides support for Apache .htacces and .htpasswd configuration files for Microsoft IIS.
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Helicon Ape and Plesk 12

21 Apr 2016, 10:16

I want to switch from IsapiRewrite 3 to Ape in a webserver with win 2012 R2 and Plesk 12.

I Install Ape but I can't use the rewrite module (at moment I don't test the other module).

There is no mistake. it's like Ape does not work, but in error.log and rewrite.log log there is no data although I have activated the logging options and debug.

I activated the IIUSR permits in the Ape folder and .htaccess files
I try to make read and execute permission to Ape folder to Plesk users.

What should I do?
Thank you

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Re: Helicon Ape and Plesk 12

22 Apr 2016, 03:45

I try to use in .htaccess

RewriteRule . – [F]

But I receive 404

I try the debbuger, but don't show anything

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Re: Helicon Ape and Plesk 12

22 Apr 2016, 06:14

It's possible because I have non registered license?

I see my configuration don't work in a test website, but work in Default Web Site.

How I can test in another website, different at default?


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Re: Helicon Ape and Plesk 12

27 Apr 2016, 07:43

1. If it works on Done website and not works on another, then at least your trial license is valid.
2. Don't test on 404s as in Win 2012 for example 403.14 (Directory listing disabled) message will overtake Ape rewriting and Ape will neve had a chance to apply.
3. With Plesk it is most likely insufficient permissions to Program Files folder where Ape is installed. Make sure App Pool Users have access to this folder.

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