I'm getting ready to purchase Helicon APE [Help Installing?]

Helicon Ape provides support for Apache .htacces and .htpasswd configuration files for Microsoft IIS.
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I'm getting ready to purchase Helicon APE [Help Installing?]

06 May 2012, 23:18

I have switched servers and no longer have a website manager or server support so I'm personally taking crash courses in IIS, MySQL, Server 2008, etc. I currently own ISAPI REWRITE 3 and it's installed on the server (not by me). I've read here that in order to complete the upgrade, ISAPI Rewrite 3 should (needs to?) be uninstalled first.

My questions are:

1. Are there any basic to intermediate step-by-step tutorials for going through the Isapi & Ape (un)installations?

2. If I'm not capable or comfortable with the configuration process, are the HeliconTech guys willing to remote connect into my server to ensure proper installation/configuration? (I've read other responses on this forum where they've offered.)

I'm completely unsure of the time required to complete the upgrade from beginning to end so pardon me if the second question is unreasonable. I know HeliconTech is very busy but, for what it's worth, remotely connecting to my new cloud server is quite painless. Thanks in advance.

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Re: I'm getting ready to purchase Helicon APE [Help Installi

07 May 2012, 06:22

Hello, Roger

Answer your questions:

1. The (un)installation is generally rather automated so there's no need to know anything specific.
Here's the Ape installation guide: http://www.helicontech.com/ape/doc/installation.htm
Here's the ISAPI_Rewrite installation guide: http://www.helicontech.com/isapi_rewrit ... lation.htm

2. I'm a HeliconTech guy who will assist you with pleasure:) We answer all basic questions for free, but if you need to have a complete custom-tailored configuration created for you, we usually ask to buy a Premium support option here: http://support.helicontech.com/

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Re: I'm getting ready to purchase Helicon APE [Help Installi

07 May 2012, 14:58

Anton, thank you

I considered the premium support package. Would you require that being purchased for installation only? I was actually wanting to configure it (htaccess codes, etc) myself so that I can learn it. I've literally never installed anything on Server 2008, adding modules, or anything that requires knowledge of IIS.

I used to have a server support guy that would install software on my server but would still require me to configure and maintain it. So I don't know what that entails and makes me a tad nervous since it's a live site. Is that something that will take 2 hours or 5 minutes?

We are on opposite schedules so I will read the installation guides thoroughly (in the meantime) and see what I can do.

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Re: I'm getting ready to purchase Helicon APE [Help Installi

07 May 2012, 20:32

Well disregard my last message, because I went ahead and downloaded the APE install package (Trial for now) and ran the FULL installation. Now my site gives a 500 Internal Server Error. Removing my previous .htaccess causes the homepage to work but all my landing pages are not due to (I suppose) the rewrite rules not being there.

I haven't uninstalled Isapi Rewrite 3 yet but I thought they could co-exist? Should I uninstall it? I'm hesitant because if APE isn't my answer, I assume I can uninstall it and return everything to its previous state.

EDIT: The Errorlog repeats the following several times:
Code: Select all
[5/7/2012 7:36:16 PM] [.htaccess] (4) [/index.php] Internal error - exception in rewrite_module: StartIndex cannot be less than zero. Parameter name: startIndex

EDIT 2: I'm slowly putting # in front of various codes in my htaccess and have removed the startindex error I think. The rewrite rule for non-www to www and hiding index.php seemed to be a problem. I thought the ISAPI Rewrite code was the same/compatible with APE's? Is this because they are still both installed?

EDIT 3: I'm really loving the interface to APE! Excellent product so far, now I just have to work out the kinks. I still don't know if it's an IIS configuration issue, a conflict with ISAPI Rewrite 3, or the rules not working the same way in APE. APE's error log doesn't report anything strange other than a few (not all) rewriterules for various dynamic strings throughout the site.

EDIT FOUR!! This is like my personal journal now. Anyway, I found this thread: http://www.helicontech.com/forum/14582- ... n_Ape.html and it would seem there are conflicts with the htaccess file, so I am going to assume that by uninstalling Isapi Rewrite 3 it will correct the AccessFileName .htaccess situation (not sure).

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Re: I'm getting ready to purchase Helicon APE [Help Installi

08 May 2012, 01:58

I just purchased Premium support and it's waiting on authorization. I finally got everything working and prior problems fixed by reinstalling isapi rewrite and changing the Accessfilename in the httpd.conf of APE to ape.htaccess. I'm most interested in "optimizing" this installation and allowing APE to handle everything -- so premium support awaits. Should I fill out a ticket and point it to this thread?

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