Rule works on Apache, not on IIS with ISAPI_Rewrite 3

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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Rule works on Apache, not on IIS with ISAPI_Rewrite 3

27 Mar 2016, 12:36


The rule below works as expected on Apache 2.
It redirects a request that ends with "/shop/" to "/shop/Overview",
EXCEPT if the URL ends with "/sites/shop/".

RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)/shop/?$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^.*/sites/shop/?$ [NC] # Do not apply to sites/shop
RewriteRule . http://%{HTTP_HOST}%1/shop/Overview [R=301,L]

The URL we are testing with is this:
It redirects to the URL below which is the wrong behaviour:

Why is it not working ?
We are using ISAPI_Rewrite

- Thanks in advance

Best regards

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Re: Rule works on Apache, not on IIS with ISAPI_Rewrite 3

30 Mar 2016, 04:52

It turned out that ISAPI_Rewrite does not remove comments before interpreting the rules,
so the "# Do not apply to sites/shop" portion broke the expression.

Developers: Please consider changing this behaviour for maximum Apache compatibility.

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