deny all in .htaccess does not work

ISAPI_Rewrite is Apache mod_rewrite compatible URL rewriter for Microsoft IIS
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deny all in .htaccess does not work

19 Apr 2012, 16:58


I have Windows web server, IIS 7, ISAPI rewrite 3. In a website docroot I have a .htaccess file. I want to restrict all requests to this website but it does not work. I added the following in this .htaccess file, located as the first 2 lines

order deny,allow
deny from all

Any ideas how to get this working are appreciated.


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Re: deny all in .htaccess does not work

20 Apr 2012, 06:47

Hello Joe,

This doesn't work in ISAPI_Rewrite. These directives are only supported in HeliconApe.
Although, you may use smth like:

Code: Select all
RewriteRule .* - [F]

Which will force all users to see 403 Forbidden.


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Re: deny all in .htaccess does not work

20 Apr 2012, 09:39

Hi Andrew,

I have another server with Ape on it, tried the same directives

order deny,allow
deny from all

and it looks like it only blocks the css * javascript. I can click through on links that are displayed on the ugly page due to no css.


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Re: deny all in .htaccess does not work

20 Apr 2012, 11:11

This depends.

-Please, provide your .htaccess.
-Do you have any authorization set?
-IS your site carried by one or several pools?
-Please, provide your applicationHost.config.
-Is there any way to see this site?


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Re: deny all in .htaccess does not work

20 Apr 2012, 11:22


The server with Ape is not public accessible, I can send you these files but not in this public forum. Please provide me your email address to send these files to.



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Re: deny all in .htaccess does not work

20 Apr 2012, 11:53

there's a link on top of the site "Support".
You can send us email with all information. This message will be available to our support team. Please, mark subject as "To Andrew" or smth like that. Also, provide a link to this forum topic to make sure we know what to relate this one to.


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Re: deny all in .htaccess does not work

20 Apr 2012, 11:58

Will do. I just tried to install Ape on the web server that does not have it and get an error msg which says .net extensibility is not installed but when I go into Server Manager it is installed. I'll screenshot of that msg as well.


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