rails repeated browser refresh

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rails repeated browser refresh

07 May 2014, 15:05


I have problem with rails, when I refresh browser repeatedly application crashes.
I have to restart IIS to make application work.

I it general problem for rails or?

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Re: rails repeated browser refresh

08 May 2014, 06:51


Could you please to describe your environment:
1. Windows & IIS bitness and versions,
2. Zoo module version,
3. How did you install rails, what is the version of rails,
4. What is in Application log,
5. WHat is in ZooError.log file in root of the site.

Thank you.

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Re: rails repeated browser refresh

08 May 2014, 10:58

1. Windows server 2008 R2 Enterprise (64bit)
IIS 7.5.7600 (64 bit)
2. Helicon Manager, version
Helicon Zoo Editor, version
Helicon Zoo Module, version
3. Rails 4.0.0
4. application log is empty
5. [08.05.2014 16:35:03.196250] [v] [tid 0x0000016c] [sev 3] # 2347990 Application has been deployed
[08.05.2014 16:35:03.196250] [v] [tid 0x0000112c] [sev 2] WorkersManager - CreateFirst Worker.
[08.05.2014 16:39:23.477500] [v] [tid 0x00000a84] [sev 2] WorkersManager - gracefulWorkerShutdown().
[08.05.2014 16:39:25.477500] [v] [tid 0x00000a84] [sev 4] WorkersManager - GracefulShutdown Timeout.
[08.05.2014 16:39:27.477500] [v] [tid 0x00000a84] [sev 2] WorkersManager - Worker closed. #1
[08.05.2014 16:40:33.477500] [v] [tid 0x00000a84] [sev 2] WorkersManager - Ping Failed
[08.05.2014 16:40:35.477500] [v] [tid 0x00000a84] [sev 2] WorkersManager - Worker closed. #2

I have installed everything with "Web Platform Installer 4.6" -> (ruby hosting package)

After I refresh browser repeatedly it stays in loading state, page becomes not accessible anymore.
no error is shown in browser, just loading page.....

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Joined: 07 May 2014, 14:59

Re: rails repeated browser refresh

09 May 2014, 04:38

Problem solved by installing
Helicon Zoo Module, version


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