

RabbitMQ is open source message broker software (i.e., message-oriented middleware) that implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) standard. The RabbitMQ server is written in Erlang and is built on the Open Telecom Platform framework for clustering and failover.
The RabbitMQ project consists of:
• The RabbitMQ exchange server itself
• Gateways for HTTP, STOMP, and MQTT protocols
• AMQP client libraries for Java, .NET Framework, and Erlang. (AMQP clients for other languages are available from other vendors)
• A plug-in platform for custom additions, with a pre-defined collection of supported plug-ins, including:
- a 'Shovel' plug-in that takes care of copying (replicating) messages from one broker to another
- a 'Federation' plug-in that enables efficient sharing of messages between brokers (at the exchange level)
- a 'Management' plug-in that enables monitoring and control of brokers and clusters of brokers.

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Version: 3.0.0 · Updated: 12/03/2012

To proceed with installation you need to install Web Platform Installer first and add Helicon Zoo Feed.

Check Installation instructions to find how to configure Web Platform Installer and Helicon Zoo now. Or click Launch WebPI button if you have it all set already.

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